woensdag 2 oktober 2013

Odulphus does Magic

This year Odulphus will - once more - participate in a Comenius Project. In this project (supported by the EU.) we - together with 6 other EU-countries - will be teaching the pupils more about Media Awareness. Hence the title: MAGIC (Media Awareness Generating In-formed Citizens).
The main goal is widen the horizon of our pupils in regard to the EU and to make them feel more a part of this ever-growing European Landscape. Integration and cross border communication are key.
During a two year period our pupils will be working on various themes and assignments linked to the Theme: Magic. They will also compare and discuss their results with the other participating countries (Norway, Germany, Slovenia, Slovakia, Greece and Spain). 
During this process there will be 3 international meetings. This November we will meet in the Netherlands and 2014 the meetings will take place in Slovenia and Greece.
More about our project (e.g. experiences, assignments and plans) will be posted on this blog soon.